
Monday, 21 November 2011

Totally Useless!

I am as it turns out totally useless at having a blog!

Maybe its the million balls I seem to be juggling at the moment.

Work- the boss has just left, I have reduced my hours yet somehow we have more people than ever on the books! I need to do my appraisal, some rehab support worker training, physio in service training..... the list is ever growing.... and rugby cover at the weekends.

Home- there are windows to sand down and re-paint, carpets to measure and arrange for fitting, a fire to install before it snows, children to play with, an endless heap of washing, washing up and hungry mouths to feed as well as all the other jobs.....

Garden- I have too many bulbs left to plant asap, seedlings to try and keep alive over the winter, a greenhouse to insulate, birds to feed, plants to plant out, a veg patch to finish digging.....

I still have a whole series of Downton Abbey to try and fit in (priorities and all....!) not to mention sloe and damson gin to decant and children to make wholesome and healthy food for.

That's before we add the upcoming 1st and 4th birthdays of the tiddlers, Christmas, family, work dos, exercise, social lives, friends, ponies, the terrier, mince pies, a Christmas cake, Christmas shopping, oh help and Christmas cards.........

I sometimes wonder what would happen if I threw all the balls up into the air and only caught one or two on the way back down, which ones could I manage or want to be without?
I would never be without my children, despite the whining and turmoil, they make it what it is, I love them to bits.
Life wouldn't be as fun without the animals and I couldn't live without my garden or outside space.
Work keeps me both sane and in credit (well it just about covers the childcare and the petrol)! I also really do quite enjoy my job.
Friends and family are already neglected but important and I need someone to laugh with (and to laugh at too)
So the only thing that leaves is WRM..... hmmmm...... I suppose we could do without him ;)
On the other hand we could probably do with a way to heat the house before winter so maybe I will have to make room for that ball too!

So that leaves my blog, facebook, twitter.... looks like my online life will have to be the bit to go (well maybe just a teeny bit) just until things calm down a tad anyway!
Still love you all, keep poking and tweeting me occasionally to see if I haven't frozen to death and am being slowly eaten by my starving children, or if its all got too much for WRM and he has upped and left me to it!
If you are driving by feel free to pop in. I'm sure there will always be time for a cup of tea, or as its nearly Christmas a glass of mulled wine (and a mince pie if I ever make them!)

Toodle pip!

Towy Totty